Our Events

Network Meetings:

Get-together in Chicago, US during the 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management

Meeting in Thessaloniki, Greece before the Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Leadership Symposium


Past Invited Network Talks:

  • Dr. George Banks (Associate Professor, UNC Charlotte, Belk College of Business): Discussing new methods for meta-analysis and open science in the social and organizational sciences

  • Dr. Mary Uhl-Bien (BNSF Railway Endowed Professor of Leadership Neeley School of Business, TCU): Enabling the Adaptive Process in People and Organizations

  • Edmonia Baker (Ph.D Student, Copenhagen Business School): Exploring the tension dynamic in adaptive space: Why we can talk the talk, but not walk the walk

  • Dr. Steven Boker (Professor, University of Virginia, Department of Psychology): Some Practical Considerations for Evaluating Dynamical Systems Models

  • Dr. Fabiola Gerpott (Professor of Leadership, WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management in Düsseldorf, Germany): A Conceptual Replication of Studies on Ambidextrous Leadership: Showcasing a Registered Report Process.