A Recent Network Meeting in Thessaloniki, Greece before the Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Leadership Symposium
Meet Some of the Network (In Progress)
Olga Epitropaki, P.h.D
Susanne Braun, P.h.D
Bryan Acton, P.h.D
Karolina W. Nieberle, P.h.D
Janey Zheng, P.h.D
Robert G. Lord, P.h.D
Stefanie K. Johnson, P.h.D
Susan Murphy, P.h.D
Aldijana Bunjak, P.h.D
Elisa Adriasola, P.h.D
Birgit Schyns, P.h.D
Anders Marstand, P.h.D
Andrew Parker, PhD
Aristotelis Alexopoulos
Barbara Wisse, PhD
Carolina Bysh
Chia-Huei Wu, PhD
Chris Collins, PhD
David Day, Ph.D
Emilia Bunea, PhD
Hong Deng, PhD
James Grand, PhD
James Houston, PhD
Kevin Lowe, PhD
Kyriaki Chalkiadaki
Laura Guillén, PhD
Leah Zou
Maria Kakarika, PhD
Marisa Plater
Markku Jokisaari, PhD
Michael Knoll, PhD
Michelle Hammond, PhD
Paola Gatti, PhD
Paul Hanges, PhD
Philip Allen, PhD
Qin Zhou, PhD
Qing Liu
Ramón Rico, PhD
Richard Morgan, PhD
Robin Martin, PhD
Ronald Riggio, PhD
Ronit Kark, PhD
Rosalie Hall, PhD
Roseanne Foti, PhD
Russell Johnson, PhD
Sarah Wittman, PhD
Thomas Sy, PhD
Tiffany Hansbrough, PhD
Timothy Holmes
Xiao (Lisa) Liu
Yanjun Guan, PhD
Yingli Deng, PhD
Yue (Angelique) Fu, PhD
Ziya Ete
Natalie Brown
Zehua Li
Emilia Wojanek
Lanyue Fan
Greg Thrasher, Ph.D.