Research & projects
We have many on going projects within the network. Here is a sample of major project areas that are currently on going.
Incorporating Memory Processes into Leadership and Identity Scale Items
Our network of scholars has multiple ongoing projects related to incorporating memory processing into the items written for both leadership and identity scales.
Across multiple studies, we have found that items classified as episodic or semantic have unique relationships with outcomes.
Our future work aims to uncover the implications of memory processing for how leadership scales should be constructed, including how they might impact psychometric properties.
We plan to upload our initial findings on leadership and identity scale items on this website in due time.
New measurement strategies for capturing leadership and identity
Our collaborative network of research scholars is currently working on new methods for measuring both leadership and identity that address the challenges of measuring these constructs
One ongoing project is testing the utility of a "Grid" measure for measuring both leader and follower identity simultaneously. This measure aligns more closely with updated conceptualizations of leader and follower identity as dynamic and intertwined constructs
With the emergence of many "negative" leadership scales, including abusive leadership and toxic leadership, there is the challenge of low occurrence of these types of behaviors. As a result, members of our group have developed a "forced choice" strategy of measurement for these leadership constructs
We plan to share these measures for use by a wider audience using this website.
Development of new conceptual and methodological approaches to understanding leader and follower identity
We have multiple ongoing studies and papers seeking to advance the field's conceptual understanding of leader and follower identity, including changing it.
Some of our network scholars are currently seeking to influence leader identity development by designing interventions aimed at young adults who are just beginning their experience in the workforce.
We have current ongoing work investigating how implicit leadership theory dimensions map onto leader identity and motivation to lead.
We plan to share the initial findings from these works where possible.
Using predictive modeling to categorize the memory processes of leadership items
The goal of this emerging work is to utilize predictive text analysis, leadership item characteristics, and research on memory processing to (1) improve theory on leadership rating accuracy and (2) design tools that help researchers and practitioners develop leadership instruments that are associated with less bias.
We have aim to develop a set of studies in this area and are interested in partnering with respective groups who might have applications for this work.