Michael Knoll, PhD

Research Fellow at Leipzig University, Germany


I first studied economics (Dipl.-Kfm., 2004, specializing in innovation management and marketing) and then psychology (Dipl.-Psych., 2006, specializing in organizational and developmental psychology) at the TU Chemnitz. Afterwards, I was a research assistant at the TU Chemnitz (business, organizational, and social psychology), the Leipzig University (personality psychology and diagnostics), and the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (social and organizational psychology). From 2013 to March 2015, I was a Research Fellow at Durham University (Business School) and in 2019/20, I substituted the Chair of Industrial and Organizational Psychology at the University of Lübeck. Since April 2020 I am a research fellow at Leipzig University and coworker at the ESF and BMAS funded project "Zentrum digitale Arbeit" within the programm Future of Work. In the summer semester of 2022, I will also fulfill a teaching assignment at the University of Applied Sciences Magdeburg-Stendal in the course Industrial and Organizational Psychology

Besides my work in research and teaching, I try to support organizations in their further development (e.g. by facilitating change processes, individual coaching, impulse lectures and leadership trainings).

I am a Fellow of the Wolfson Institute for Health and Well-Being and the Higher Education Academy (HEA, UK), a member of the Leverhulme International Network of Implicit Leadership Theory Scholars, and a partner (and co-applicant) in an international project on interpersonal misconduct and bullying in the workplace. I also lead an international project (currently 26 countries) on silence in organizations.